Component Builder Information

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The toolkit is a way to easily build components that have been designed by the WIGG Design group. It may not meet all of your needs. Don't feel like you need to use all these components.

Why use the toolkit web components? Using these components is not a matter of being compliant with the web theme, it's being compliant with the brand standards. As we update the web components, you can easily get the benefits of these updates without having to hand-code a lot of changes yourself. Furthermore, these tools meet accessibility standards and are automatically mobile friendly.

If you are using a CMS that uses the web theme, chances are they have already built an easy-to-use editor interface to create these components. However, you can use the web components without using a CMS just by adding some lines in your header.

Note that this page uses the version 2 of the builder. I plan on moving this to version 3 as soon as possible. When you go into one of the below environments, the page uses the environment listed (so any pages pointing to the alpha/beta versions use the alpha/beta version).

Environment List


Primarily used for developers to help build new widgets for CMSs, to help add new components to the web-toolkit, or to test new components. If you are not a developer, you probably don't want this section. This changes often.

What happened to the old Builder?

When we moved to version 3, this included a revamp of the builder. However, the old Toolkit Builder is still available. However, this has been frozen and will not be maintained.

Run into an issue?

Please create a Github issue so we can look into it.

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